As an eMarketer, have you tried to reach out to blogs written by your customers/prospects as a fellow blogger? Bloggers just love, adore and connect with people who take an active interest in their blogs. And I'm sure as a marketer it's your constant endeavour to get customers to love, adore and listen to you.
Here are 5 tips to engage with your customers/prospects who blog
- Setup a corporate blog yourself
- Read/Subscribe to your customer blogs
- Post constructive comments on your customer blogs
- Vote their blogs as one of your favourites
- Provide useful blogger widgets, templates and tips
Customer blogs provide you the marketer a great opportunity to undestand/target your customer better. With the number of bloggers increasing by the day, maybe it's time for you to leverage this and add another dimension to your customer driven internet marketing campagin.
May 20, 2007 at 9:48 AM
Website Marketing with email marketing and email advertising; the key to more traffic.
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