Agile Customer Driven Marketing Program

As an accomplished eMarketer, you probably already have a sophisticated Marketing and SalesForce Automation system in place, an analytics module providing you indepth stats by the minute, a set of Automated Marketing Programs setup to qualify/score/funnel Leads to your Sales system, a steady set of prospects flowing through your system, a lead conversion rate on par with industry average.

However to add the 'Customer Driven' dimension to your automated marketing programs, one must design programs that illicit targeted actionable feedback from your prospects, leads, customers and then are 'Agile' enough to adapt itself based on the feedback.

The key here is to ask the right questions to the right person. If you already have a lead/prospect/customer scoring mechanism built into your marketing programs, you could use the score to determine whom to ask what.

For Ex: When you lose a lead after he was assigned to a sales rep, you could send a satisfaction survey email asking to rate the sales rep, and this feedback could be used by your agile marketing program to route your hotest(highest scoring) leads to one of your top sales rep's only.

If one of your existing key customers gives you a very high overall rating, your agile marketing program would take note of this and send out an email asking for references or to try and crosssell/upsell more products.

So maybe it's time to have a hard look at those automated marketing programs and see how agile and customer driven they truly are.



November 11, 2008 at 1:32 AM

Good words.