I was inspired to write this post as I was watching Spain dominate & win the Euro Cup 2012 the other day playing their Tiki-taka style of soccer. Tiki-taka is an elegant style of play in soccer, characterised by short passing and movement, working the ball through various zones on the field, being patient and maintaining possession.
If Tiki-taka style was adopted for B2B Marketing, here are 5 elements that you would incorporate in your campaigns:
If Tiki-taka style was adopted for B2B Marketing, here are 5 elements that you would incorporate in your campaigns:
- Shorter Messages: Be concise and to the point in your emails with a link or two in it with call to actions that inspire action.
- Nurture Prospects: Work on your prospects and nurture/move them through the 5 stages of buying cycle: Awareness, Consideration, Preference/Intent, Purchase and Re-Purchase.
- Be Patient: Don't Sell to your prospects, help them buy from you.
- Engage your prospects in an ongoing conversation: The longer you can maintain a conversation with your prospects.. the higher your chance of success. Eudcational Newsletters and Nurture Campaigns through the year is a great to keep your prospects engaged and in the conversation.
- Passing the Lead: Are you passing the right lead at the right time to Sales? Like in soccer, it's all about team work!! Work closely with your sales team to fine tune your lead hand off process.
You might be thinking - "Is that it? But this is too simple, I knew this all along!!" like Winston Churchill said "All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope." and now we have Tiki-taka added to the list.
Can you think of another 5 elements that can be added to this list? Looking forward to your comments!! Viva Tiki-taka!!